Home Homilies Homily 320 – Spiritual Olympians – 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Katie LedeckyI, like many people, have spent a lot of time this last week watching the Olympics and marveling at the great ability of the athletes competing. I especially like it when they do a sit-down interview and you can learn a bit about the person behind all the medals and hear how they got to where they are. Some, like Katie Ledecky and Simone Biles, you find out are committed Catholics. With all the athletes, it’s inspiring to see how driven they are and how much effort they have put in to being the best of the best.

Our Second Reading today makes some comparisons between the world of sport and the spiritual life. We are called to “persevere in running the race.” How many of us would say today that we are as committed to spiritual success as the Olympians are to physical earthly success? Behind every great athlete is a disciplined training regimen. No athlete expects someone just to hand them a gold medal simply for showing up and “participating.” Why would we expect that somehow will arrive at the gift of eternal life like it were some kind of participation trophy? No one arrives in heaven simply by running out the clock.

Jesus has already done the hard work through is suffering, death, and resurrection, but we have our part to play. It’s time to start training. Today’s homily provides some a sample training plan to get you going. It doesn’t matter how old or young you are or what you have or haven’t done. Today is the day to start running the race. Jesus doesn’t want mediocre Catholics; he wants us to set the world on fire! So get up and get going. Be a champion. See yourself as a spiritual Olympian.

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