Home Holy Land 2020 – Day 8

Holy Land 2020 – Day 8

by Shawn P. Tunink
Mary’s House in Nazareth

This morning offered a chance for some beautiful prayer on the shore of the Sea of Galilee. I could imagine Jesus and the apostles spending many mornings in prayer here. After breakfast we boarded the buses for the short drive to Nazareth. On our way we made our first stop in Cana. It was here that Jesus famously turned the water into wine at a wedding feast. The apostles Nathaniel and Simon were also originally from Cana. Many of our pilgrims were traveling with their spouse on this trip and took the opportunity to renew their wedding vows during Mass. What a beautiful place to celebrate the sacrament of matrimony. I love seeing the joy on the faces of the couples as they looked into each other’s eyes and renewed their consent. We need joyful times like this to help us keep going on the path to heaven.

Jesus of Nazareth. He shall be called a Nazarene. One can hardly think of Christianity without thinking of Nazareth and wondering what it would have been like for Jesus growing up there. Today, we got to go and see for ourselves. We began with a visit to the home of the Holy Family. The church of St. Joseph is built over the very site from first century Nazareth that remains to this day. I prayed for all the families that are struggling today, that Jesus, Mary, and Joseph will help us continue to grow in holiness together, that we would all care for each other as the family of Jesus.

The Word was Made Flesh HERE

The center of Nazareth is the large Basilica of the Annunciation. In the crypt of this church are the first century remains of the home of Mary. These very walls were the first to hear the words, “Hail Mary” as they were spoken by the angel Gabriel. I remember being here thirteen years ago and praying my rosary within that house. Today, we got to pray the angelus prayer at noon with the friars and then make a visit to the cave. It’s interesting to think that Mary was just a simple girl who ultimately lived in a cave. You can still see the stairway that leads up to ground level and can see the entrance outside. There is a tradition that some of the walls of this house were taken by angels to Italy where there is today the Holy House of Loretto. I need to do more reading on this. As I had done on our first day at the Church of the Visitation, I again entrusted myself to Mary and prayed that I could continue to say yes to God like she did. I thought of Jesus entering our world at this very spot. How much we need saving still today!

Returning to the Sea of Galilee we stopped on the north shore at the Mount of the Beatitudes. I love this beautiful elevated spot overlooking the sea. There is a natural amphitheater there were Jesus could have spoken to a large crowd as describe in the scripture. It’s so quiet and peaceful on top of the hill. I imagine Jesus and the apostles wanting to stay up there and pray often. What an amazing day driving around Galilee where Jesus spent most of us entire life growing up and then in his public ministry. It all happened right here.

The Sea of Galilee from the Mount of the Beatitudes

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